In case you're wondering...

All visitors, no matter their age are welcome to our services. Sunday School is held at 10:00 a.m.   Classes are available for persons of all ages. Worship starts at 11 a.m. and lasts around 20 minutes. The rest of the time is spent reading and preaching from the Scriptures. Children in fourth grade and younger are dismissed after the song service to go downstairs for children’s church. A normal service lasts approximately an hour. 

Yes. For children under the age of three, a nursery is available during all services.

Absolutely! Your family is our family. We do offer child care for anyone that might be interested. Our children’s church is a great opportunity to meet new friends, play games, and hear biblical preaching that is age-appropriate.

We teach and preach from the King James Version.

Worship is a time for believers to come together and sing praises to God, and it is just as vital as scripture reading and preaching. Our worship style is more traditional, with hymns, lively instruments, and piano accompaniment.

There’s no dress code at Berean Baptist Church. Some people show up in suits, others wear jeans. The most important thing is that we dress to honor the Lord and the scriptures.

Membership is a formal commitment made by a believer to a local body of believers in which they receive biblical instruction and hold each other spiritually accountable both to themselves and to God. We would love to be your church home if you haven’t already found one.

Didn't find an answer? Leave us a message and pastor Shane will give you a call.


Mail us at bereanbaptiststrafford@gmail.com
